Life is not a problem to solved, but a reality to be experienced.
-Soren Kierkegaard
Personal motivation Blog. The library of motivation, wisdom, quotes, success stories from success people, and more...
Pecundang vs pemenang
Seorang pemenang berkata: Hal itu sulit tetapi pasti bisa.
Seorang pecundang berkata: Hal itu bisa tetapi sulit.
Seorang pecundang berkata: Hal itu bisa tetapi sulit.
Impossible is a word
Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
-Napoleon Bonaparte
Never makes mistakes
The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything.
-Theodore Roosevelt
Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. -Albert Einstein
Similar quotes by great people.
Are you ready to be rich?
Sometimes you feels that you work at your maximum, you've did anything to your business to grow, then fall, then grow again.
You've learn from mistakes, fixed it, tried another ways, make it better. You've thinking more and more... You've lost many.
But then you're tired.. Then you asking yourself.... Why I'm not getting rich? Where's the money? What God wants from me?
The answer is....
Maybe you're still not ready to be rich, there's God's time, not your time.
Keep working, keep struggling. Make yourself worth to get that big money! Work hard, pray hard.
Big money won't come easy, right?
This condition makes you more humble and stay small, make you always give thanks for what God's already gave for you.
You've learn from mistakes, fixed it, tried another ways, make it better. You've thinking more and more... You've lost many.
But then you're tired.. Then you asking yourself.... Why I'm not getting rich? Where's the money? What God wants from me?
The answer is....
Maybe you're still not ready to be rich, there's God's time, not your time.
Keep working, keep struggling. Make yourself worth to get that big money! Work hard, pray hard.
Big money won't come easy, right?
This condition makes you more humble and stay small, make you always give thanks for what God's already gave for you.
It's not fun if you don't have...
It's not fun if you don't have other sources of income.-David (affpb)
Don't follow the trend!
Sometimes it's better to don't follow the trend! -SandyLet's take an example. Since this post is being written, internet marketing with Facebook (Fb ads and Fan pages) is booming right now. Then guess what?! Facebook is become tougher, they changed, and all of them impact marketers! There are more than 10 Facebook changes these days (probably more!).
This is also happened with SEO a while back.
So, take lessons from this.
If you can beat your own genetic
If you can beat your own genetic, you could beat anything! -Deddy Corbuzier
If you find yourself in a hole
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. -Will Rogers
If you don't ask
If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place. -Nora RobertsTaken from Inspirational Quotes App, Google Play.
A person without a sense of humor
A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road. -Henry Ward BeecherTaken from Inspirational Quotes App, Google Play.
If what you're doing is not your passion
If what you're doing is not your passion, you have nothing to lose. -UnknownTaken from Inspirational Quotes App, Google Play.
The success secret
Success is 70% Failure. For me it's more like 90%. The secret is to fail quickly and learn from your mistakes. -Jerdei (affpb)
Makanlah rotimu hari ini
Makanlah rotimu hari ini, kerjakan apa yang bisa dikerjakan sekarang dan jangan tunda sampai besok.
Kesusahan hari ini biarlah hanya untuk hari ini, karena besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri.
Kerjakan sebaik mungkin, sisanya biarlah Tuhan yang menyempurnakan.
Karena berkat turun pada saat kita tidur :)
Have a WONDERFUL day!
Kesusahan hari ini biarlah hanya untuk hari ini, karena besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri.
Kerjakan sebaik mungkin, sisanya biarlah Tuhan yang menyempurnakan.
Karena berkat turun pada saat kita tidur :)
Have a WONDERFUL day!
Bisnis yang baik adalah...
Bisnis yang baik, waktu merintis berat dan income kecil, namun waktu sudah besar menjadi ringan dan income besar. -Arbet Sutanto
Simpan kisah susahmu
Simpan kisah susahmu saat ini, dan ceritakanlah ketika kamu sukses nanti :) -Alfonzo. L. K
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